Exploring the Status and Preservation of Ancient Traditions Across Various Localities of Lower Tanawal District, Abbottabad, Pakistan


  • Wajid Ali Ph.D Scholar Department of Pakistan Studies, Hazara University Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Corresponding author, wajidalihu726@gmail.com
  • Ayesha Alam Head Department of Pakistan Studies, Hazara University Mansehra Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, ayeshaalampk@gmail.com
  • Nazia Khalil Abbasi Associate Professor Department of Urdu, Government Postgraduate College for Women Mandian, Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, naziakhalilabbasi@gmail.com
  • Dr. Adeela Bibi Lecturer Botany Government Postgraduate College for Women Mandian, Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, adeelabibi4@gmail.com


Lower Tanawal, Cultural change, Tradition, People, Modern


Change is the unchangeable law of nature. It is an integral part of our lives, occurring in stages. At various points in history, numerous changes have taken place in society. Cultural societies have evolved from primitive stages, rising and falling with the passage of time. However, the nature of humans continues to transform in response to the evolving patterns of society. No human society remains static for long, as change is an inevitable phenomenon. This study aims to examine the current status of certain ancient traditions in Lower Tanawal, District Abbottabad. It also seeks to analyse the status of various Hindko terms from different localities and explore the status of some traditional food items in the area. A mixed-method research approach has been employed for this study, with a primary focus on quantitative research. The findings of this study are intended to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers to take necessary steps to preserve and protect local indigenous cultures.




How to Cite

Wajid Ali, Ayesha Alam, Nazia Khalil Abbasi, & Dr. Adeela Bibi. (2025). Exploring the Status and Preservation of Ancient Traditions Across Various Localities of Lower Tanawal District, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Physical Education, Health and Social Sciences, 3(1), 86–98. Retrieved from https://journal-of-social-education.org/index.php/Jorunal/article/view/99