A Study On the Prevelance of Typhoid Fever, Associated with Comorbidities and Management Challenges in Sialkot, Pakistan
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection mostly caused by contaminated food and water. It can affect people of any age but most probably the elderly or people living in poor sanitation. Despite it is very common disease occurring in Pakistan many people are unaware of the cause of the disease and they lack information about how to overcome it. The goal of this study is to assess the knowledge and awareness of typhoid fever among general population of district Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 399 individuals from Sialkot's general population. The designed Questionnaire was distributed, dully filled by participants after getting their consent
Results: Out of 399 individuals 85% people are aware of the term typhoid fever remaining 15% are unaware. Certain factors affect awareness levels of typhoid fever among people such as age, education level and gender. 54.1% people consider this disease life threatening 70% people are aware about the diagnostic procedures.
Conclusion:The conclusion of the study is that most of the people of district Sialkot are aware about the disease typhoid fever. Mostly people are aware of the diagnostic procedures and treatment protocols