
  • Shazad Ahmad


Our social division is also very strange, we start the injustice from our home, we still have many such families, where girls are not given the place that is given to children. And this girl when If a woman assumes the form, then she has to go through the same kind of discrimination in the society. Therefore, it is important to make these things public in our society, that Rahmat Alam has described the virtues of training girls, and first of all, to give women their rights. "They also have the same rights as they have duties". Thanks to Islam, women got respect in the world, and got the freedom to speak for themselves, got the names of sacred relationships like mother, sister, daughter. Whereas before Islam, this same woman was a slave, had no status, no position, was buried alive as soon as she was born, burned alive after becoming a widow, or imprisoned for the rest of her life, all kinds of atrocities were committed against them. were done on women. With the advent of Islam, they got a chance to breathe in a free atmosphere. But even today in our existing society, the atrocities are being done before Islam, only their appearance has been changed. Depriving girls of wealth like education, not caring about their training is actually equivalent to burying them alive. Their rights are being violated through various atrocities, social injustice, and social discrimination.




How to Cite

Shazad Ahmad. (2022). WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND THE ROLE OF SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Physical Education, Health and Social Sciences, 1(1), 25–30. Retrieved from https://journal-of-social-education.org/index.php/Jorunal/article/view/11