A Voiced to Be Raised: Physical, Workplace & Cyberbullying Harassment from Myth to Reality


  • Sara Noor Uddin Lalani Zia Uddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Karachi, Pak. lalanisara0@gmail.com
  • Laiba Sajjad Zia Uddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Karachi, Pakistan lk6492724@gmail.com
  • Maryam Ejaz* Zia Uddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Karachi, Pak. mariam.16828@zu.edu.pk
  • Basit Ali Zia Uddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Karachi, Pak. basitarain1999@gmail.com


Sexual harassment is a problem, with forms workplace harassment, cyberbullying that have significant psychological and social impacts. It illuminates misconceptions perceptions concerning the seriousness of these forms of harassment that have significant psychological, and social repercussions. The increasing prevalence of bullying in physical, workplace, and cyberbullying has transformed from a mythologized issue into a harsh reality affecting individuals across all demographics. Physical bullying emerges definitely defined power dynamics, needs the direct display of aggression and violence which lead to permanent trauma for the victims. Workplace bullying, characterized by intimidation, and undermining behavior creates toxic environments to work. Cyberbullying has digital platforms to harass and make members to feel alone, frightened, and helpless or deal of being bullied. It emphasizes to raise awareness about these issues through education and policy reform. Our motive is to raised voice against all types of harassment that we must listen to victims to create a culture nourished on respect and safety.




How to Cite

Sara Noor Uddin Lalani, Laiba Sajjad, Maryam Ejaz*, & Basit Ali. (2025). A Voiced to Be Raised: Physical, Workplace & Cyberbullying Harassment from Myth to Reality. Physical Education, Health and Social Sciences, 3(1), 35–55. Retrieved from http://journal-of-social-education.org/index.php/Jorunal/article/view/96